Friday, August 6, 2021

    This is this gentleman's first halibut. A live anchovy and boat captain Richard Baratta's previous experience halibut fishing caught this fish, along with some luck. I heard of four keepers landed today which, as you may have noticed, ain't many. Maybe we caught all the halibut last year. Or maybe they're all out deep, feasting on squid and occasionally holding their bellies and groaning. I hope it's the latter. 

    Alec Bennett of Shrimp Boat fame caught his limit of salmon to 23 pounds today. He went 2 for 5 (40%) hookups, which Gage would like you to know is a worse average than our 8 for 17 (47%). Alec got his fish before the jellies moved in and chased all of the trollers off the water. Most fishermen had one or none. Mostly none. He was at the Trees, but a distracted, second-rate fishing-report-dude, I didn't get the magic weapon defined. Sorry. It was either the hootchy or a VK'd anchovy behind a dodger. Probably. Here's a story. Several years back, Bob King took Alec under his wing to give him a basic knowledge of salmon fishing. Alec, like a lot of non-fishermen, would arrive late to go fish with Bob. Bob would be stalking the Boathouse, mumbling under his breath, fuming about his late guest when Alec would arrive at 8:00 for his fishing trip departing at 6:00. Now Alec is the guy stalking the Boathouse, waiting for his hours-late guest to arrive. Alec is a couple of orders of magnitude chiller than Bob, but even so, somewhere, Bob is laughing. 

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