Thursday, August 12, 2021

     To my knowledge (and my knowledge is limited, especially today) this would be the largest fish landed at the Landing today. Chris Brown's salmon weighed 36 pounds. Gage's fish went 22. Those were the only salmon on the boat today. We danced with the fleet today between the North end of McClure's Beach and Tomales Point in 55 to 80 feet of water. My downrigger balls are turning mushroom-shaped from pounding rocks. 

    Overall, it seemed pretty slow today. How slow was it? Eddie Kim came in with only two fish for two fishermen. The big one weighed 26 pounds and Eddie and Reverend Ron put on quite a show in the middle of many boats in a team effort to land it. Eddie will tell you that it was a grind today. He also sent me a photo to illustrate where he's catching the fish.
   This is Eddie Kim's new downrigger ball. In three days of fishing his shiny new ball now looks like he's been using it to hammer crooked nails into very hard wood. Not to worry, though, this kind of fishing will eventually lead to the weight having a new home on the bottom of the sea. It sure beats being skunked, though. 
   I didn't get any halibut reports today except for hearing of one from the bar. There were three guys diving there this afternoon but I don't know if they had victory or just a long view of sand. 


1 comment:

rokefin said...

Man it’s a bad year to be boatless and watch all these heavyweights come across the scale
Year of the hog!!!