Saturday, August 7, 2021

     No pics today. High boat was Don Mosby and David Gonzales with four halibut to 17 pounds inside the bay. I don't know where they were fishing, but "it wasn't with everyone else." I believe I heard of only one other halibut today. On the salmon front, I heard of a boat that had four salmon by about 6:00, and the guys on that boat can catch fish that aren't biting, so for the rest of us mere mortals it was a tough day. A couple guys from here had one salmon and most had none. Mike Lincoln was, as far as my limited knowledge goes, the highliner of the salmon fleet from here with one salmon at 21 pounds. There were guys sweating blood trying to catch any salmon today, so great job, Mike. There were radio reports of a hot bite and three limits caught at Abbott's Lagoon today, but my gut says this report may have been an effort to relieve pressure on the Trees/McClure's area. False radio reports are funny if you don't believe them. Real radio reports are sad if you don't believe them. It's so confusing. Just turn off the radio. Much less sadness. 

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