Monday, August 30, 2021

 Not a busy day at the Landing today. We had a grand total of four boats go out. One went for red crab. I didn't get a report but I have a good feeling that they did well. The boat that tried for salmon came in with none but lost five. These fish are hot and big this year (don't Google those terms together) and are easy to lose. Their bites were on straight bait, no flashers. The first boat that tried for halibut caught one North of Hog. I went out this evening and tried for salmon in the outer bay and hooked nothing but jellies. At sundown I dropped a jig on the bar and caught a 26" halibut, not big but not a skunk, either. So, final tally, more action on salmon, more fish on halibut today. But not much of either. 

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