Wednesday, August 18, 2021

     Debbi Sanders caught this 13 pound halibut today, her first. It was caught by Marker 7 on a live jacksmelt. The weather was good early today when this fish was caught , but the South wind blew hard for most of the middle of the day. Conditions in the bay were bad and in the ocean, abusive. Still, a few hardy souls ventured out. Swampy picked up a halibut in the bay today, and Peter Kim caught a 15-ish pound salmon near Bird in 80 feet of water, 70 feet down on a straight stuck anchovy. Peter had a couple of others on earlier in the day that didn't make it to the boat, so there's apparently a few fish still in the area. The water is cold (52º or so) and fairly green and clear (too clear for good salmon trolling in the shallows but not clear enough for halibut divers, I hear) with a bit of bait sticking to the bottom in the usual places. The South wind is supposed to remain with us for a while. I, personally, look forward to that as I haven't taken a beating from that direction for something like a two weeks. I'm overdue, for this season. Tomorrow's my day, so I'll put in my mouthguard and see you out there.


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