Saturday, August 21, 2021

    No pictures today. There were four salmon landed that I heard of. Mike Lincoln, Peter Kim, Mike Miller and Jake Showaker had a salmon a piece on board today. Mike Miller and Jake Showaker had bonus halibut. There were also rockfish (there's always rockfish when the salmon is slow). I heard of a few fish caught North of the Head as well, but nobody from here went there. All of the few fish caught were, again, between Tomales Point and Elephant, and three of them for sure were Trees to the Point. As the water starts to warm again, one hopes that the anchovies return to the inshore. The fish to North should start to really trickle in on their way to the Sacramento River system and baitfish in close could help to pull some of those fish in range of us. For the most part, the easy part of the fishing season is over (my favorite part!) and now starts the real grind with occasional bursts of awesome, if things go well. I heard of one 30" halibut from the bay today. Not spectacular, but not nothing either. Swampy left us a few.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Caught one 15lb at McClures on Apex near bottom. Not a lot of catching today but handful of boats had one fish. Radio 30lb caught at tomales buoy. Lots of squid at top of ten mile. A afternoon bite between tomales buoy and the Estero with decent bait marked in area. Beats working or sitting at home sideline