Thursday, May 7, 2020

   I just logged in to post this and  I see that  Cap'n Al beat me to it. As he is better informed, I'll give his words their own spot at the top of the page:
"Al – wanted to give you the good news that Westside boat launch will be available tomorrow for boat launch by sunrise.

Here is information you can share with other boaters and I appreciate you spreading the word and encouraging everyone to be patient and respectful when it gets busy out there launching in the mornings. Good luck on the water and hope the salmon are biting!

The signed health order is attached and more info below on questions we expect about the change.


Is fishing allowed under the parks closure order?

Coastal fishing

A change to the April 19 parks closure order allows park managers to open Bodega Bay boat launches for recreational fishing beginning May 8. The intent is to allow residents to gather fish as a food source.

· The Westside Regional Park boat launch and Spud Point and Mason's Marinas are open. The launches at Doran Regional Park and the Sport Fishing Center are closed.

· Boat occupants are limited to household members and those sheltering in place together. Camping and group gatherings are not allowed.

· Fish cleaning stations are closed.

· Portable restrooms and handwashing stations are available. (Permanent restrooms are closed.)

· The Westside boat cleaning station is open.

Fishing at other parks

The parks closure order also allows fishing from shore at inland parks where permitted. Inland boat launches are not open. Inland parks must be reached by walking or biking from your home unless you arrange for disabled parking access with your parks department. Fishers must wear facial coverings when they are within 6 feet of other park users.

Why is recreational fishing allowed while the coastal parks are closed to other users?

The intent is to let Sonoma County residents use a specific park facility to fish for food. Sonoma County’s health officer has determined the use of a boat launch poses a lower risk for crowding and community virus transmission than a broader reopening of coastal parks. Boat occupants must be members of the same household or those sheltering in place together. Fishers are not allowed to use coastal parks for any other recreational use."

Please try not to overwhelm Westside. The fishing (at least for salmon) isn't that good right now. But hey, game on! 

Also, thanks to Tony Alcocer and Ed Parsons for cluing me in.


Tomales Outlaw said...
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Tomales Outlaw said...

Will Marin follow suit? Not holding my breath on that one. But the Outlaw has been re-powered with a 90 horse we're ready.


Willy said...

Marin.....may take a bit longer.

Capn Al said...

Keep working on the Marin County Health Director. Don't give up.

Fish slayer said...

I hear black point opened up shouldn't Nick's cove too?

0311 said...

I called Marin parks yesterday was told Miller was open arrived today with 30 lbs thawed crab bait and 3 kids launch still closed

Tomales Outlaw said...

I'll check Black Point tomorrow and report back.


Marinfisher said...

marin parks wasn't allowed to open because marin sheriff would not allow them too.

Local legend said...

E-tec's are junk.

AF FISH said...

Hey Californian’s, don’t not re-elect Newsom.

Chuck said...

So open only to Sonoma County residents? That's a bunch of chicken excrement. What about food for our families? Or are Sonoma County residents unable to buy food at grocery stores like the rest of us? I hope law enforcement types are making sure Sonoma County residents don't leave Sonoma County. I sure wouldn't want their germs anywhere near me. Nice job of driving a wedge between Californians.

Capn Al said...

AF FISH Hey Californian’s, don’t not re-elect Newsom. Are you really serious? You want him re-elected? Or did I interpret your post wrong?

Capn Al said...

Hey Chuck,
It's about politics. Complain to the politicians of Sonoma County and don't condemn the residents. There will be some to slip in from out of Sonoma County. It's up to them. BTW, complain to the health director of what ever county you live in. Just saying.

Chuck said...

It’s a little hard not to feel some resentment towards the residents of Sonoma County. I read in these fishing reports how some were out looking for out-of-towners, peering in windows to see if someone may be there who doesn’t belong. And that because of locals’ vocalism, the county officials are doing what they’re doing. Our family has owned a house in Bodega Bay for decades. Nobody has ever complained about us spending time and money there in the past. But now we find ourselves feeling unwelcome. Why don’t you Sonoma County residents put the pressure on your county officials to open up? Or do you agree with this position? I buy the same licenses and permits as coastal residents. I’m also capable of practicing responsible social distancing. Probably checkpoints at the county line would be a good idea; keep us out and you in. In the future I’ll be sure to spend my money where I’m not considered an outsider.

Brian Wallace said...

Hey! Anybody catch any salmon out there yet? My Dad and I are trying to get our boat to run better, right now we can’t get the rpms over 3000 when we’re in the water. Hope we can find someone to help us out.

Sucka-Fish said...

I am hoping to try for salmon on either thursday or saturday. I think it has been bad in bodega? Has there been any at all caught? If so only clue I would ask is what depth was the water? Chuck did you get told to leave? I live in Novato and would be with a member of my household. Hard for me to think someone will be there at 6am to tell me to leave like Chuck is saying, but I don't know...