Saturday, May 30, 2020

   Quick post as I'm going fishing. Miller Park will reopen on Monday, June 1. Lawson's Landing will remain closed as we would be authorized for day visits only and that wouldn't cover costs. The Health Orders get revised every two weeks so I guess we'll see what happens then.


Swampy said...

Thanks Willy,

Sorry you have to live in Marin County.


Twack said...

Good luck Willy. Let's hope fish don't respect social distancing and join you on the boat and later for dinner.

Anonymous said...

So the day use, boat launch and store can't cover operating cost for the few people you have working there on a normal day? Seems like some money is better than no money even if your breaking even.

Willy said...

It's less the payroll than some of the other costs. Starting up the portable johns service alone is over $5k a month. My wife is having panic attacks because we're closed but she was the loudest voice here saying this won't work. So I listened for once.

DG said...

5k for 25 potties? Would the port a john company agree to 5 potties at 1k a month/ how many would you need for day use? And increase your day use rate to cover costs. Any business is a good thing. Honestly the money isn't even an issue for me at this point, i just want to get out.

Twack said...

Catch any fish?

stoker said...

Moron county making moronic decisions and looks like Sonoma following suit..Fished Bodega Thursday and Friday and it was eerie QUITE in that sleepy town!feel sorry for small business's that will prob fold

Tim said...

Any idea when Dillon beach will reopen?

BIG"D" said...

How about that dock reopening? Any idea?

rokefin said...

Hey Willy, Life is good! Hang in there!
You know your situation - open when you can.
Enjoy the down time while it lasts. We will all be heading your way soon.

Willy Vogler said...

I can't wait. But I will.

BrownRedneck6 said...

Thanks willy for the update, going to send bussiness your way!!! Awesome intel brotha!! Keep up good work, yall good people!!!