Saturday, May 30, 2020

    Here's a detailed photo of the fish Gage and I caught today. My fish is on the left. It's hard to tell from this picture but mine was bigger. Actually, Gage got a tip about a hot bite yesterday so we ran out today to partake in the frenzy of fish-catching. I guess the rule about "radio fish" extends to "text fish" as well. We arrived a little late and watched the small fleet of boats already working the area troll off in random directions. There was scattered, dense balls of krill down at 180 to 250 feet (in 300 feet of water) and there may have been salmon feeding on them, but we arrived unprepared to go that deep. So we left. 
     Wednesday I tried live baiting halibut at Hog Island. No luck catching anchovies but the jacksmelt were plentiful. I missed a couple of bites from probable game fish, then I got in the groove catching bat rays. Ever double up on mud marlin while fishing light tackle? Alone? Well, I don't want to brag, but I have. You can have my place next time. I got one reel refilled with line and have one to go. I did get to witness the Carters put on a striper clinic and catch three to 24 pounds. Oddly, it didn't make me feel any better about my day. Yesterday evening I did get out for a single downwind tack by Marshall and caught one 25" halibut on a fluke with a purple haze hootchy over it. It was blowing from the South too hard for Gage (me too, really) so he went surf fishing for stripers. Gage caught over a dozen surfperch (returned) on a Laser Green Shiner SP Minnow. 


oldtimer said...

If you're a wise, fish whisperin', high line, surf fisher like Gage maybe you can cast near anything in the surf and still entice them to go for it. Hats off to Gage! Great to learn fish are out at Lawson's looking (and waiting) to be caught. But as Willy said a while back "they're getting bigger."

BrownRedneck6 said...

This is quite the good local intel, appreciate the knowledge fellas keep it up!! This is better than "coastside" i tell ya !!