Saturday, May 23, 2020

    The obligatory hand picture. Gage says the surfperch were biting like mad Thursday. Today, not so much, but Thursday they were even hitting small swimbaits. The time is right for some stripers in the surf but as of yet it is perch only. There are a few anchovies in the bay, finally, as well as at least one thresher shark and a small gray whale. The thresher was kind enough to point out the anchovies by jumping in the same place a dozen times. Eventually even I get the message. Gage and I ended up with three halibut on the troll by Inverness.
    When will Lawson's Landing (and the rest of coastal Marin) open? That is a damn fine question. The current closure has no end date. As I understand it, industry representatives are consulting with each other to come up with safe operational methodologies to enable the reopening of different sectors. Put another way, there's a staring match between Sonoma and Marin Counties to see who can hold out longer. My money is on Marin. From some reports it sounds like Sonoma may blink first. Or, perhaps both counties are waiting for the inevitable tsunami of people headed for the coast on a hundred degree day to pour over the barriers so that they can say, "See, I knew this would happen! People can't be trusted! Double secret probation on the coast!" Yes, people are dying. But the vast, vast majority of them are over 65 and/or have additional comorbidities. Those people should be quarantined. For the record, that includes my wife (she isn't over 65, and don't say I said she was). Healthy people have died from the Covid-19, but now we're talking about the numbers of people that die from traffic accidents. That's why we all stopped driving cars, right? Wait, we didn't? We did allow people to keep driving with safety gear. Seat belts and air bags? Meet face masks and 6 foot spacing.
     There was a lovely article in The New York Times a few weeks ago showing the recent increased number of deaths compared to previous years and the point of the article was that there were more people dying from Covid-19 that are being recorded. The jackass that wrote the article apparently didn't think about the people that died from not going to the hospital due to Covid fear, or people that relapsed and drank themselves to death from no AA meetings, or people killed by their significant others because they've been locked in together too long, or suicides from failed businesses or stress, or any of a thousand crappy things I can't think of but were caused by the "cure." I'm not suggesting that we all strip naked and run backwards through a hot dog factory (I would never suggest that), only that we remove our heads from our lower gastrointestinal tracts and all go back to work. Life has risks. And I'm hoping to take a few of those in the coming weeks (besides the risks of going to three grocery stores just to get most of the things on my list). 


Capn Al said...

That was one hell of a fine commentary. Keep up the fine reporting.

Tilly said...

Well said!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reports. We really enjoy them.

reefelo said...

What do you expect from a liberal minded county. One where people do not think for themselves and only believe propaganda that is shoved down their throats by the likes of cnn and other liberal sources.. Tell a lie enough and it becomes the truth. All w need to complete this political farce is leaflets dropped from planes just like WW2. I am quite sorry but closing boat ramps at all is absurd!!!!!!!! Stay safe and be a bit careful but out on the ocean common man.......................

Raider2484 said...

You let me know when I am allowed to camp and fish of course at Lawson's and will make my reservation ASAP. I have a couple credits i am dying to use. I AM READY!!!!!!

Capn Al said...

reefelo said
"What do you expect from a liberal minded county". I say ,Also in a liberal minded state! Sad

Tracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shut up and fish! said...

Dear Tracy,
Welcome to the club. You really aren’t a libertard. Your just now beginning to see the the light. Like a butterfly spreading its wings!

Matt said...

I was really disappointed to see this post here. One of the last sites I could go to get good, entertaining info without the political slant.
I’d like to encourage us all to focus on what we have in common and leave the politics aside

Willy said...

How is it political? I'm asking for reason. Without fishing there can be fishing report

reefelo said...

Well Tracy, you can come over from the dark side anytime you want. I agree w you on a few things but if you truly vote liberal then you are part of the problem not part of the solution. Indeed liberals follow propaganda instructions broadcast by the left which control all the media except fox. They do not think, they hate. If they did have a thinking mind, they could purely see the light and have a real agenda other than spending 4 years trying to take out Trump. Like him as a person or not, he is absolutely the best man for the job with all this going down. In the coming months he will absolutely be the ONLY man to can bring China to their knees for the sake of the country not hiding so he wont offend anyone.

Small words please said...

Maybe lay off the reefer reefelo, as it is you sound like you are without "thinking mind". Chin up Tracy.

Deplorable2 said...

Well said Willy,hope to see you soon. The flue kills .03% covid is .0008% why is it only the extremely liberal county's still closed?

BIG"D" said...


Harvest Time said...


Harvest Time said...

Gov. Noisome says churches can open, so that means fishing should be open too, since us saltwater anglers are sort of in a cult, especially us tuna fishermen. 

Willy said...

While trolling. Sun got in my eyes. Fish weren't a problem, unfortunately.

BodegaKnuckles said...

Howdy Deplorable, whats your source here? Posting figures like this without a source make you look like a mouth-breather. With three doctors in my family I agree that the closures are absurd. LET US FISH...but your #s are wrong.

Fox agrees -

Post a source or your post don't mean diddly.

Tomales Outlaw said...

It's absurd. We get it. This is a fishing blog and report. Plenty of other online outlets for political rants. Christ.

1 barely legal butt from the Hog area today.


Unknown said...

I just want the government to get out of the way. We're all capable of taking whatever precautions we need. Being out in the fresh air or being on your boat seems alot better for the mind body and soul.i really miss being at the beach. It's the salt of life for me. Something has to get this going. I never thought it would be possible to close the fishing. Willy if you put together a plan for opening maybe add an extra fee to take care of the fines or ask for donations to pay them? I'd be down I don't know, it's just a thought Thank you to your whole staff and the great service they provided over the years. Sincerely Paul Costa old Portuguese guy

Swampy said...

Tomales Outlaw X2.

Thanks for the report, seriously need to get out......


Capn Al said...

The Deplorables and Dispicables should work together. LOL

High Times Fishing said...

I have to agree with Tomales Outlaw. Just understand we are dealing with Marin County. But I still have been getting out to my second choice of destinations, SF Bay and catching fish. But once Lawson's and the rest of Tomales opens up, expect me there.

Harvest Time said...

Yep Berkeley is good except for one major flaw, it is Berkeley.

SB said...

Crossing the bar will kill more than covid this year and next. (Drowning) in Marin county

SB said...

It's disgusting there at the intersection, 3rd world country

stoker said...

LOVE the political rant,where is common sense these days in the powers-to-be????SO done with this rona scamdemic!!!!!

Tomales Outlaw said...


DG said...

Go fish and leave your purse at home

Sucka-Fish said...

stupid question time... can someone drop your crab pots for you and then you go pick them up at a later time?

Willy Vogler said...

I believe yes but they need written permission to have your pots.