Tuesday, May 26, 2020

    So, there's a few salmon out there. Not for me, but over the past couple of days I heard of some fish landed from 90 out to 210 feet of water from the Trees up to Bodega Head. It appeared to be an uphill current (running to the North) today which would theoretically indicate that the baitfish, and thus the salmon, would be stacked up on the Southern edges of the local reefs. All this clever local knowledge got me a big sack of nothing this morning. There are some anchovies out there and if you can locate them you will probably locate some hungry salmon. A few small schools of the tiny critters have found their way into Tomales Bay and may have led a few more halibut in. The few boats out on the bay fishing for halibut have been catching some but nothing like the photos and stories from San Francisco Bay. Out time will come here (I keep saying) but my guess is it will be little while longer. The last couple of years we had quite a few pelicans around working the 'chovies, and while we had a few pelicans a month ago they now seem to have found their food somewhere else. There's a lot of krill out front but there's a couple of good reasons you've never seen a pelican at the Red Lobster all-you-can-eat shrimp extravaganza. 
    My apologies if I got political last post, but when you've got a (metaphorical) pit bull chewing on your butt it is only natural that you comment on it. My family and I look forward to receiving some timing estimates and guidance toward safe reopening practices this week. Until we receive it I will continue my mental health regimen of alternating fishing and cheladas. And I'm almost out of cheladas.


Capn Al said...

Willy, you are the man, as I stated before. Keep up the fine posting of information. In regards to saying something about politics, go right ahead, it's called freedom of speech a right we all have, but leftist want to control. Both the deplorables and the despicables have a right to post.
Good fishing to ya Matey!

Capn Al said...

Willy, you are the man, as I stated before. Keep up the fine posting of information. In regards to saying something about politics, go right ahead, it's called freedom of speech a right we all have, but leftist want to control. Both the deplorables and the despicables have a right to post.
Good fishing to ya Matey!

Numbnutz said...

Thank you for taking the time to post us a report your the only fish report I know of ,and just know that you are appreciated.

Swampy said...

Thanks for the information, if you ever reopen will restock you with cheladas.


Frogfish said...

Thanks for the report Willy. Much appreciated.

The political rant really made me think, and I don't want to start a political debate, simply this thought. Fishing is not partisan, and I like to run into my more conservative counterparts when I fish. I think that we all have many wants and desires in common. Our respective political parties have each taken strong sides over time. The divisions created by that partisanship doesn't necessarily represent each of us a individuals and our rich diversity of ideas and ideals. I hope that we can all keep open minds to all of the possibilities that are out there, including catching fish. I hope that we can all get out on the water as soon as possible and that we can meet there without animosity.


stoker said...

thanks for awesome fishing reports Willy.lets pray the powers-to-be can start using common sense when it comes to fishing and camping.cant wait to breath some salty air soon!!

Local legend said...

Unknown, thank you. Finally a voice of reason. Now get off my spot.

BIG"D" said...


Local legend said...

^^^^^^sportie clown^^^^^^^

BIG"D" said...


0311 said...

Their keeping it closed on purpose probably to create division among the people since were supposed to own the PUBLIC LANDS!!! Don’t let it work we all want to be out on the water bringing home dinner.

JRS said...

Too bad the Corona hasn’t restricted access to internet trolling.

On A String said...


“Yet we continue to see successive Public Health Orders that contain inconsistent restrictions on business and personal activities without explanation,” Essick wrote. “I can no longer in good conscience continue to enforce Sonoma County Public Health Orders, without explanation, that criminalize otherwise lawful business and personal behavior.”

Now we need the Marin Sheriff to come to his senses too. The fact that these counties don't have the coast open is a crime. They keep throwing us bones and telling us to be happy we got what we got. It's time to open the coastlines to the people.

Harvest Time said...

Essick is an old-fashioned real sheriff!

tripe said...

Try asking him for a CCW in Sonoma County...

Unknown said...

The virus will mysteriously disappear after November 3rd

Unknown said...

So much for his bravado. He just renigged on that entire statement.

Capn Al said...

Blogger tripe said...
Try asking him for a CCW in Sonoma County...

May 29, 2020 at 2:17 PM

If you live in a city, you have get it from the city police chief. If you live in the county, you have to get from the Sheriff. Lots of luck trying to get one from either official. Remember , this is California a Democratic run state. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. If I have a good reason to pack. Just saying.

Duckin44 said...

Need to live in Placer Co.

Tailout said...

Placer County doesn't have a ocean. I thought this was a fishing blog. Go clean your boat, tie up some gear and quit bellyaching. The best fishing is yet to come

BrownRedneck6 said...

Looks like some "coastside" members made it on here hahahaha

BrownRedneck6 said...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."