Thursday, July 1, 2021

   Gage says he doesn't need a wide open bite to catch limits, but it sure helps. To my knowledge, every boat that went out for salmon (and went out off of the Head) caught limits of salmon. Our six fish came from around 15 and 4 in 235 feet of water. We were all by ourselves and the largest fish weighed 14 pounds. We returned one silver and one shorty. Done before 9:00 AM. The largest one weighed in here was 25 pounds and it was caught out a bit deeper and further North in the fleet. And there is a fleet assembled. My recommendation for Saturday is to put out a lot of fenders as the boat per square foot index will be high. Another high index is the silver ratio. Commercial fishermen have said they have been catching silvers at a 1:1 or even up to 3:1 ratio to kings. Give every salmon the stink eye and look for those white gums. 
    I guess Cameron couldn't take all of the boats coming in with salmon limits, so he went out with Gage after he got off work at 4:00 and had these two fish by 5:20. It just proves that you don't need a haircut to catch fish.
    The halibut fishing was pretty slow, as the cold water from outside the bay had moved in on the high tide. After dropping off our salmon  we tried for halibut and ended up with one keeper. High boat that we heard of was Dan Dentone and his daughter with two halibut near Hog Island. Dan would like it known that today he outfished Gage at halibut. Nice work, Dan. 


      Here's a shot of part of the crew with the big fish today: "25, 23, and 8 others off the head with everybody else in the 230'ish area."

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