Wednesday, July 28, 2021

   Here's a picture and report from Tom Carter yesterday: "After trolling through jellies and grass, mooching for nothing we decided to drift the bar and this guy kept popping up and giving us the stink eye, I think he was disgusted with us " This behavior is supposed to be called spyhopping, but it shall be called "giving the stink eye" henceforth, as I think it is probably closer to the truth.  My wife looks at me like that sometimes. Not without reason. This creature's disgust, Tom feels, was due to Tom's lack of fish on the bar or anywhere else. Tom, I don't think this whale knows you well enough to display this level of disgust. But I'm working on my stink eye. 

   Doug Bagley wisely jumped aboard Peter Kim's boat along with Eddie (neither Peter nor Eddie could get him back out of the boat. Doug has a crazy strong grip strength, it turns out) and by 10:30 this morning they were back with limits of salmon weighing 21, 21, 23, 23, 25, and 26 pounds. That's 139 pounds of fish. That's a 46 pound limit average. When they returned early with fish like that I figured that everybody was killing them out there. As usual, I figured wrong. A few guys killed 'em, a few guys got a few, and a lot of guys caught nothing. Again. Even Gage only caught two fish for two guys in the boat (and then pushed the Double Trouble back to port at the end of a long rope. Thanks for returning my boy, guys). The best part is that the word is that the fishing to the North of the Head is very slow, so everybody (no, really, everybody) is fishing below Tomales Point. There are some slug fish (Shrimp Boat had a 31 today) but there are also dudes that don't realize that there are other people on the water. A lot of those dudes. Now, let it be known that it is actually legal to carry a gun while fishing. I, for the record, don't, because I would be too tempted to use it. A jury would convict me of murder, unless the jury was composed of fishermen that trolled in this area. In that case, I'd be acquitted for sure. Just saying, some others actually do have guns aboard. Please get your heads out of the shade and warmth you're keeping them stuffed up and watch for others. I'd say, "You know who you are," but you don't. You have no idea. What I will say is, "See you tomorrow." 
   On the halibut front, the only flatfish I heard of today was a Starry Flounder from the bar and yet another Pacific Halibut from 170 feet of water from a guy rockfishing. He threw the 30+ pound fish (probably) back with a boo-boo lip. I guess the halibut population estimaters and the salmon population estimaters use the same software.