Tuesday, September 8, 2020

 No real report today, as we launched zero boats. Tomorrow should be different. The main reason for this post is to inform Sucka-fish and anybody else interested that I'll probably be making an albacore run on Thursday from Tomales Bay. I hear a few boats are headed out tomorrow and a few more on Thursday. The run looks to be 50+ miles to the Northwest. The water is moving this way but breaking up, so waiting for this spot of water to get closer may not work. Sucka-fish, if you are interested, email me at lawsonslanding@gmail.com. Just be aware all, that 50 miles is far and even farther when you have to run home against the South wind. Gage called it "stupid far" and he's probably right.


Cptnjeff said...

Cptnjeff says “No Good”🎣

rokefin said...

If 50 miles is what there giving you then not so bad and enjoy the trip - better than having to tow a hundred or so miles.

Hope you whack'm enjoy the day!!!! Look forward to a good report!

Sucka-Fish said...

i will send you an email willy. thanks for the update.