Sunday, September 6, 2020

    Here's a picture of the high boat for Lawson's Landing today. Tony Roa and Paul Page caught these salmon, one at Elephant, one at the Towers, in 80 to 110 feet of water, mooching, near the surface.  "Near the surface" is probably indicative of fish on the move, headed toward the river."High boat" means these guys had more salmon than anybody else we talked to. Next best was a barely legal fish. Next best after that was one that didn't stick. The current salmon fishing situation would have to improve a lot to be considered slow. We have entered the late season, when luck has a stronger effect. Now you have to be doing the right thing at the right time in the right place and be lucky, luckier than normal lucky. My advice? Fish straight bait close to the bottom over the reefs in 50 to 80 feet of water. Oh, yeah: and be lucky.
   The bright point is the halibut fishing. Just kidding. I didn't hear of any legal halibut caught today. I'm sure that there were a few caught somewhere, but when nobody you spoke with had any you kind of lose hope. Tomorrow's another day. Things will change. Maybe even for the better. 
     Here's my one submitted fish report: "Willy
Very slow fishing so far this weekend....did pick up a few rocks - arm extension makes him look pretty meaty." Truly, the phrase "thank God for rockcod" was rarely truer than this weekend. It looks like Rokefin has a pretty decent black rockfish there. It's too bad for the rockies that they taste so good. 

    I gotta check my email before I post. I missed this report from yesterday; "Caught these 2 today. The smaller one weighed 22lbs and the bigger was 32lbs. Got the smaller 1 in 150 feet of water off elephant at 60 feet on the wire. The bigger came off bird in 70 feet of water at 70 feet on the wire. Added 1 rockfish too." Well done, gentlemen. It sounds like you covered a bit of water to get them.


Unknown said...

Hey willy. Just a question I submitted our report to just wasn't sure if you got it. Caught a couple of salmon yesterday

Willy said...

Didn't check my email. I see it now.