Monday, September 2, 2024


   Mike Mack was hoping to beat Spinner yesterday with this fish. For the day, he did, but Spinner has a 30 pounder in his pocket and Mike's was only 27 pounds. These guys catch enough fish to hang an "only" next to 27 pounds. That's a lot of experience. They caught their fish between McClure's and Hog Island. The big one was at Hog, even though I would expect it to be at McClure's. Shows you what I know. There have been a few halibut caught in the last few days. It ain't  easy, catching, but the fishing doesn't suck, either. There's some nice fish pushing into the bay. 

   My wife sent these pictures from yesterday, then called me to make sure they got posted. So. Not here, but she drove up to Fort Bragg this weekend to fish with the Nursements. Day one, Friday, one fish. Day two, Saturday, no fish. Day three, redemption, 19 fish. It's nice when the weather cooperates and lets you wait out the fish. It worked. Other fishermen had similar results with Sunday being redemption day for almost everybody. You may have seen the steam from the  many pressure cookers today, no matter where you live. Albacore are being caught from Eureka to Monterey right now. Suddenly, jars and lids are hard to find. Albacore tend to be feast or famine, and folks, the famine is over. If you have a boat capable, or can get on a party boat, it is time to gorge. Feast! This is the best CenCal albacore bite in......I don't know. A long time. Get it while you can. And use big gear. Monsters are out there.

1 comment:

Beachdweller said...

I'll have to note - we never did get skunked. 1 Friday, 1 Saturday, and 19 Sunday. Thank you for the props love!