Wednesday, September 11, 2024

    An albacore report from the 9th from Brad Stompe: "Willie,

Took a run out to Bodega Canyon yesterday with the hopes of loading the boat with albacore.  Dropped the gear in with 62 degree water and in five minutes had a triple on.  Boated 2 out of three and were on our way to loading up the boat.  Eight hours later we decided to head in without getting another strike.  Polling those at the ramp revealed a range of 0 – 3 albies per boat.  We found water as warm as 63.5 on the outside and lots of life just inside the shelf on our way in with whales, dolphin and birds in abundance.  Maybe that’s where the bluefin are?

Brad Stompe" Gage went out with Tom and Bob Brodsky and they caught one albacore on their way, way, way, way back MadMac. No bluefin for them, which was their main plan. The albacore seems to be fizzling out. There's a few guys whomping some, but the vast majority of fishermen are catching, as Brad noted, 0-3 with an emphasis on the zero. The bluefin are biting a bit southwest of the the Farallones but haven't quite made it here, yet. The bait is out there on the edge of the shelf, so the fish will come. Bluefin come to eat and water temp is less of a concern for them than albacore. They also fight like hell in cold, oxygen-rich water. Which is good, because the wind blew (and is still blowing) and it cooled the water off. Again, less of an issue for the bluefin but a serious problem for halibut. The halibut bite has dropped off on the bar and off Dillon Beach, but there's still some biting at the yellow buoy. Hope springs eternal.

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