Sunday, September 22, 2024


   I received this photo from Howard Law on Friday night. "Got this today between hog and Marshall." Nice thresher, Howard. I'm told that there's a heck of a story with this fish, but I missed Howard on Saturday to get it. As threshers are power and maneuverability incarnate, I'm betting there was yelling and almost getting spooled and tangles and maybe some hard feelings between the folks on board. That's a good day of fishing. This was not the only thresher in the bay recently. There's quite a few patrolling the anchovy schools back by Marshall. They taste pretty good, but holy crap, they are like a bottle rocket with a broken stick, fast and random. And awesome.  Good on you and your fishing team, Howard, as they ain't easy to land, but you did it.
   Swampy fished here on Thursday and Friday. His report: "Afternoon Willy,

Came down for the good weather and huge tides. Alright, maybe not the huge tides. 3 halibut first day and 3 halibut and a striper on the second to 18 pounds. Easy perch/anchovy bait near pelican and spent a few hours near hog for nothing. Took your advice and moved around to find the fish north of hog.

See y’all soon, Swampy" The water got pretty cold last week, but there were still a few spots of fish that continued to bite, even in the cold water. Swampy found them. Yesterday and today that good spot was on the bar. The water wasn't that warm, still, but fish were biting for a few people. Nice work, Swampy and crew. 
    Mike Mack and Spinner caught these yesterday. As I have been remiss on my duties as a fishing reporter, they felt the need to send over this photo to get me to post. Well, it worked. These were caught on live jacksmelt by Hog . Nice fish, gents.
    Kerry Apgar may have retired from the Landing a couple of years back, but she still enjoys sending me pictures of Paul Boley with fish I can't catch. Here's one from yesterday, with the message: "Today, Anchovies Tomales bay" Thanks, Kerry. This one looks like it was probably a keeper, and most of the white sea bass inside the bay have short, but not by much. Happiness starts at 28 inches. Thank you, Kerry, and it is nice to see Mr. Boley again. I hope that next year Kerry inundates us with photos of Paul with lots and lots of salmon. He's the man to catch them, if they let him.
    These fish are much smaller than the usual fish the Mike Mack and Spinner catch, but these were caught in the wrong place which makes them very interesting. The are saury, and they are normally found way offshore with the albacore in warm, clear water. Gage and I saw sauries jumping by the weather buoy on Thursday in clear but 52^ water. Soon thereafter a small school of bluefin boiled nearby as well. Pretty cool, but these two sauries were caught on a sabiki while fishing for jacksmelt in 60 feet of water in front of Bird Rock. Sauries aren't supposed to be there. Think the bluefin are there, too? It seems unlikely, but at this point, who knows? It's only unlikely, not impossible.

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