Saturday, August 31, 2024


    No mystery on location for this report. "Willy, pretty good day down off Reyes. It was not a wide open bite except for a 30 minute flurry of action but we worked it for a couple ling and near limits of rock fish. Gorgeous day!!

We fished amongst a couple private boats and four charters from SF

Best Regards

Kelley" Looks like a good day to me. Any day you're catching your targeted species is a good day. Good weather, even better. Glad you got your boat working again. Ready for salmon next year, if we're all that lucky... 
   A slower day today on the halibut front. Local hero Shrimp Boat struggled for the one nice one he finally gaffed on the bar. I heard that the local legend Nick Bauer payed a visit and was rewarded with a limit between the bar and Marker 5. Mike Mack and Spinner worked all day for rockfish and three halibut. Most fishermen (at least the ones I talked to) did less. There's some fish coming in, but like money or technology, they're not evenly distributed. Also, the bite is a bit unpredictable. When it's good, booyah! The rest of the time is boring sadness. We all want to be John Wick but mostly we're lucky to be Dorf. 
   I did hear a rumor of a boat out of Bodega catching 25 albacore today, along with two bigeye, 150 and 225 pounds. It's good rumor. It may not be true, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story, I say. I may not sleep tonight. 

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