Wednesday, June 9, 2021

     This week had a windy start like most of the weeks this year, but it has eased a bit and this weekend we may actually get either a break or just the wind blowing from another direction. Either way, it appeared that there were some baitfish entering the bay this afternoon. My indicators were mixed pelicans, terns and cormorants hammering on a school across the bay from the Landing. The terns being involved makes me think anchovies in particular, but that could just be wishful thinking. Another indicator was a bunch of large whales (not grays, but probably humpbacks just due to sheer numbers) out in 100 or more feet of water yesterday afternoon feeding in on general area. Krill? Maybe. But maybe anchovies, too. The ocean water may still be the temperature of iceberg melt but it seems like things may be about to happen. And salmon season is only a bit over two weeks away.

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