Friday, June 11, 2021

   Cannon Brunkhorst caught this 30 pound fish today. I'm told that it's a halibut, but I'm not convinced. Gage and I have been catching a few halibut but this fish, although looking similar, is way larger. Whatever it is, it ate a 14+" jacksmelt (you know, those fish I said the halibut wouldn't bite) near Hog Island today. Other people on the boat thought the bait was too big, but Mr. Brunkhorst knew better. Big bait, big fish. That rule has almost never worked for me (almost...) but Cannon knew better. No other keepers on the boat (a few shakers from further back in the bay before they got tired of the green slime. It wasn't too long. Green slime sucks.). I heard of one boat from here with a 12 pounder today. Other than that, a few guys watched a few other guys catch a few fish, mostly smaller halibut and a striper or two. The smelt will bite for bait but the school bait like anchovies, herring and sardines are really hard to catch. 

    Here's a few pictures from Tomales Point this evening. The gray whales have been putting on a show every day and these were mostly happy to show off tonight just inside the Point. The first picture is of a gray whale giving our photographer the stink eye, so maybe they all weren't into it. The last shot was just a fluke.



Tilly said...

Great shots of Whales and whale of a Halibut, any idea what those whales are feeding on this close to shore?

Swampy said...

Hey Willy,

Had a great couple days down there, good to see the crew again. The bite wasn’t red hot but there are some fish there. Between rookie mistakes and knot (tying) failures it was a tough outing for me. Congrats to Cannon and a huge fish, that is awesome.

If I could figure out how to post pictures I would add a photo of the big one we picked up on our last drift of the day. Had to release it at the launch but luckily you were there to take the handoff.

See you soon, Swampy

Willy said...

Gray whales feed in the mud, eating clams, worms and other buried wigglers.