Saturday, June 12, 2021

     These folks are happy because they caught rockfish and crab and they aren't cleaning their pile of critters, yet. In fact, about the only smiling fishermen today were the ones that went outside for rockfish. The Outer bay even had some pretty decent end-of-season Dungeness. The Tomales Bay fishermen and crabbers didn't do as well. Crabbing for reds was pretty good but inner bay Dungies were few and far between. And halibut? A local legend (in my mind, at least) in bay halibut fishing caught one today and was high boat until one more was caught this evening, bringing the Lawson's Landing daily halibut total to two. I'm not sure what the descriptive word is for a total of two but I'm pretty sure it ain't "good". Most of the seemingly appropriate words also describe unfortunate bodily functions. So, trying to stay positive here, let's just agree that the halibut fishing can only get better. And thank goodness for rockcod.


Rooster said...

Hey Willy, had a nice walk to the end of the beach this morning. Water temperature seemed like it was up a bit. Any water temperature data available in the bay that you know of?

Willy said...

The Tomales Bay Buoy is working again (the yellow buoy by Hog).

Bottom Scratcher said...

Apparently, BML staff were not aware that the Tomales Bay BOON webpage was not operating. I contacted them and they promptly corrected the issue. They mentioned that there will be a new system upgrade soon and similar issues may occur. I will contact them again , if needed.

Willy said...

Thank you, and thanks BML. That info is very helpful.