Monday, July 15, 2024

 Where was I? Oh, yeah.

   Cameron took this photo yesterday morning and sent me this report: "13 pounder and a smaller one picked up first thing this morning out front using frozen squid." Why try to catch bait when the frozen stuff will do? Especially when the liveys are playing hard to get, and they are. There's baitfish around but they just haven't been climbing on the sabikis. These folks wisely didn't wait and did well.
    No other fish pictures from here. There were a few caught but mostly it was sadness. The guys that did catch mostly didn't wait for live bait  (like our happy photo people) and either trolled or drifted tray bait, or they used jigs, mostly tubes. Duly noted, there were a lot of people with no fish that did the same thing. Luck is the most important lure in the tackle box.
   Today was a similar story, very few catches for even less fishermen. The most interesting report of the day was from Kehoe Beach (or the Keyholes, if you prefer) where no halibut were caught but schools of anchovies that blacked out the meter were all over and whales were eating them and breaching. There's almost certainly something besides whales and birds eating those anchovies, but we can rest assured that it isn't salmon because there aren't any.  
   Not from here, but friend of the report Tomales Outlaw sent me a picture this evening that I thought I'd share since photos of fish from here are hard to come by. "One of these came on a Zara Spook south of Ocean Beach. Huge boil." Very nice fish, sir, and glad to hear of the topwater bite. There were some stripers caught from the beach here today. I saw a surfperch fisherman with a striper tail peeking out of his backpack, and a fly fisherman caught five from shore. That's pretty badass. Will they be there tomorrow? Definitely maybe.

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