Saturday, July 27, 2024


   Here's a report from Wednesday: "Hey Willy, hope all is well. First and foremost thank you for the report. Not only is it informational, it's also a breath of fresh air that a community of non youtube fishermen/ladies still exist. 

Please tell Mike that the kayaker from Wednesday evening owes him a beer..or a fish taco. An evening of cooling down sipping a beer by the point produced a tasty 28"er dragging dead bait.

Cheers and blessings to you and the Lawson community, Alex P. (Sorry for the terrible pic, was catching my breath from fighting the current back in)" And reeling in fish, it appears. That'll take the wind out of you, or so I hear. There are a few fish around but they aren't easy to catch at the moment. Looks like Alex P. knows what he's doing. . 
    Most boats from here have been returning with very few halibut. The fish are out there but they're hard to catch right now. The giant school of sardines that had been hanging out at Pelican Point, vanished. Those damn fish have tails, and they use them. It is hard to fish live bait without live bait. Yesterday, I forgot to mention that Gage and I caught seven stripers. We released them so they're still out there. We also caught our limits of four halibut relatively quickly at Hog Island. We saw one other guy catch a halibut there. I only heard of one other halibut caught back there. Gage and fished where the others weren't and when we found biting fish on the edge of a hole we kept going back to just above the hole and repeating the part of the drift where fish were biting. Today, three guys jigged for five halibut in the box by following a similar method: Cover a lot of ground and repeat the ground that is working. Don't fish the fleet of boats if nobody else is catching fish. A cluster of boats has no purpose for you if fish aren't being caught there. Sometimes you have to find your own fish.

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