Sunday, September 17, 2023


    These guys limited on halibut from shore here on Monday. Doug sent me text with this photo saying "Caught off the beach in front of the boat house" so I guess that's where they caught them. Since Monday quite a few other halibut have been caught, both from the beach and from boats. That said, it is still very possible, and maybe even likely, to not catch any. But the catching is pretty good and probably the best I've ever heard of from shore here (which ain't saying much, as the normal number from shore is zero). As salmon and nearshore rockfish are closed there's not much else to report.

    Sorry about the lack of reports for a week, but I was distracted. Well, on another boat out of /San Diego. Gage stayed home and worked this time while Cameron and I fished. Cam hadn't caught a bluefin yet and really wanted to, so his mother gave us the nod to go. Cameron had been learning his knots and been bullied by Sergeant Gage in preparation and his mother acknowledged his suffering. We went on the Tomahawk and ended up bringing home nine bluefin, six for me, two for Cameron and one donated to us by Jared, a man that caught eight bluefin in four hours and showed the rest of us what the fish were actually biting. Thank you, sir. With two fish at 100 pounds and other seven averaging over forty pounds each, the local crew were busy cleaning and packaging around five hundred pounds (in the round) of tuna last night. Thanks, everyone that helped. The Tomahawk is under new ownership with a captain that is also the owner. The crew is friendly and knowledgeable. They didn't even mock me when I couldn't turn the handle on my reel after they re-adjusted my drag mid-fight (they should have). We had a good trip.

1 comment:

rokefin said...

Way to get’m Vogler’s!! Nice you got’m Cameron.
Gage, was it painful to stay home?;)