Tuesday, September 19, 2023

 Yesterday the shore guys were the halibut winners, barely. Today we only launched one boat but they came in around 1:00 PM with three limits of halibut. Yesterday they caught nothing, but these guys have a history of being killers and lived up to it today. No pictures, as I had to run off to a doctor appointment for my broken wife, but if the boys in question have some pics and send them to lawsonslanding@gmail.com I will fix that.

   Guys that did take pictures include Nate Baker, who sent over a Fort Bragg report. 
Considering the fact that this water is possibly or probably (depending on if you're an optimist or pessimist) coming this way, his report follows:"

Hey Willy, 
Fished Fort Bragg 35 miles southwest of Noyo Harbor with Scott Mason this weekend. We came home with 24 Albacore up to 28 lbs - most were 5-8 lbs. No big eye for us but I did lose a fish that more than likely was a big eye. The fish peeled off a few hundred yards of braid before we got the rods in and turned the boat to follow it. By the time we were running to the fish, my line was dangerously low, so I hesitantly went to 45 lbs of drag and seconds later popped the FG knot between my braid and top shot. I'm still having nightmares two days later. Time to switch to the PR and kick myself some more. Hoping that water moves down soon like last year so I can at least try for redemption.
Nate Baker"  
Now I normally have a rule about posting posting reports from other places or reports with Scott Mason, but the lack of reports from here forces my hand. Nice work on the fish you landed, Nate and Scott, and I'm sorry for your loss. Nate, in my limited testing (one time) I tried a pull-off between an FG and modified Tony Pena knot, and the mTP won. Check out this video how-to:

Since I'm posting Fort Bragg pics, these local boys stopped by today to weigh their bigeye tuna from Fort Bragg they caught yesterday:
   Anthony Jennings and Shannon Gregory landed this fish yesterday in Shannon's 23 Parker. Gilled and gutted, it weighed in here at 195 pounds. It took over three hours to land it, and the fish dragged the boat over five miles during the fight. It almost spooled the 30 wide reel. It seems that bigeye pull HARD. I'm trying to psyche myself up, as I think I want to catch one. Maybe. Good frickin' job, men, as they ain't easy at that size.

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