Thursday, September 15, 2022

   So, when I said that the halibut fishing is slow, I neglected to mention that it is only mostly slow. Gage and I caught two limits of halibut today, two on live jacksmelt (the only two that I could catch in four hour's of fishing), four on jigs, five of them on the turn of the tide. Tim Woerner caught a halibut, lost a halibut, missed a halibut bite, and caught a striper, all on a tube jig. Miller Time trolled on Ten Mile up to Elephant for salmon with no bites but found a mess of jacksmelt that they were able to convert into a pair of large halibut. So, salmon sucks, today. But halibut, booyah. At least today.


  So, there was a thresher hooked from the beach on Tuesday. I heard another was hooked and lost from a kayak on Wednesday, too. Today Gage and I saw one jump off of Dillon Beach but none caught that we heard of. 


Tilly said...

Wow are you guys opening a fresh fish market at the Landing? With recent Tuna hall you must have massive walk in storage freezer to hold it all!

Willy said...

It takes a village to pack it and also to eat it. There's a lot of sharing