Sunday, September 18, 2022

     Tom Brodsky sent in a report yesterday: "Halibut are still biting right at the change of the tide. Not bad for a few rookies. Lost a few at the boat and missed some other bites. on jigs and had dead bait bitten half a couple times. We also trolled from the Bodega buoy back to the day beach, not many weeds no salmon. 4 came off the bar out front, 1 on the inside " Nice work, Tom and crew. There were several boats with no fish over the weekend, but at least two boats on Friday caught two limits of halibut each, most of them by Hog Island. Catching bait was hard, but catching halibut wasn't for our two successful boats. Tom and crew didn't try for liveys and just got jiggy with them. Their jigs were Bigfoot Baits and Redrum tube jigs. They weren't quite as effective as the live baits but they work way better than the bait you can't catch. Today the weather was so rough that even Mike Mack sat it out. Maybe if there were a few salmon caught in the last few days he would have chanced it, but big wind and no fish make Mike a beach guy, and rightly so.


1 comment:

Duckin44 said...

Strong work there Buddy!