Monday, September 12, 2022

    It turns out that, had I read my email on time, I'd have learned that Mike Mack and crew caught five salmon just south of McClure's on Saturday. That's old news, though. Sunday, the boys went back to the same place and circled a bait ball for limits before eleven. They dropped them off and tried for halibut after, but let's talk about the salmon. "Limits by 11am fished keyhole at 90 to 100' hoochies blue and green 55 pulls. Massive anchovies bait balls. Also seen over 40 bottlenose dolphins in a school rip thru the bait. Awesome day on the water!!" The hoochies have been the ticket for the last few weeks, especially the blue ones. Those bottlenose were in the outer bay last evening, feeding.
    The halibut fishing has been slow, but good enough that I was able to jig up this 14 pounder last evening on the bar. Not as good for me as it was for "Jigger" John Rosasco and David Gonzales today. They jigged up three halibut and two stripers on the bar before 8:00 AM, then went down to the top of Ten Mile and caught four salmon in two doubles. They caught lingcod as well, so they got a Slam +. 



1 comment:

rokefin said...

Great to hear reports of salmon catches!!

Would love to go tomorrow but work put in a fishing ban - WTH