Saturday, July 23, 2022

      The forecast for today was pretty good. The reality was somewhat different. At the weather buoy this morning it was gusting into the 30's and the seas were 10 feet at 7 seconds. No bueno. Most of the boats that went out turned around and went in the bay for halibut.

    One of the top halibut boats today was driven by Ron Johnson, who sent this report: "Grant Rose had the hot stick today with a couple Butts in the teens." The boats that fished Marshall had 0 to 5 up to 28 inches long. Lots of shorts. There are a few fish between the bar and Hog, which, I believe, is where these fish came from. 

    A few boats did stick it out for salmon. The fish were biting out where it was roughest (how do they know?). Mike Mack had the best catch numbers here and he sent this picture and report: "Limits on 16-6 to 15-5. 260' fishing 70' to 150' hoochie and bait. 1 Spanish mackerel. Very sloppy out there today." If Mr. Mack is saying it was sloppy then the weather was probably closer to godawful. They lost more fish than they caught (everybody out there did. With the boats bucking around you were lucky to stay in the boat while fighting a fish, much less keep the fish on the line). Nice job, Mike. Way to earn them. 


Chuck Knutson said...

I am wondering what type of fish the Spanish mackerel caught actually was, because Spanish mackerel are only found on the East Coast. Could it have been a Pacific mackerel or jack mackerel?

Willy said...

It's a jack mackerel, but everybody calls them Spanish mackerel. They used to call them horse mackerel. Of course, they aren't a mackerel but a jack, like a yellowtail.