Saturday, August 15, 2020

      You hear a lot of things. Some of them are true. There were probably some albacore caught out of Bodega Bay today. Maybe. There was definitely a bluefin caught at Cordell, not a tanker but one in the 30's (something actually catchable). Fort Bragg boats did well for albacore but the further they went Southwest, the better. The closer they got to 39º 00" by 125º 00", the better. For the uninitiated, that is farrrrrr. Luckily, today they had farrrrr weather. The salmon bite was slow but the fish that were caught almost made up for it. Halibut action was good but bait collecting was bad. The rockcod stepped up today and provided those in need of a morale booster with the needed tug on the line. Case in point:

   "Hey Willy,  thanks for the hot tip on your O so secret spot! We were able to get limits of nice rock cod and one lingcod.
Richard On the Defiance" This was yesterday's report. Here's today's "Hey Willy, wanted to let you know 5 limits of rock cod  and one beautiful ling for five guys on my boat today in your oh so Secret spot  By the way if you see about a five or 6 foot sunfish Lit up like a Christmas tree that’s not my gear or downrigger ball on it it was the boat next to me... Richard" Damn nice ling, Richard. The secret spot is Elephant Reef, folks. Try to leave a little space between the boats. Shading the sea floor will make it less productive. I hope the mola (sunfish) is okay, because he has a whole lot more jellyfish to eat.

    Here's yesterday's Kim report "Lost 4 nice hooks ups and landed 5. The biggest were 18 lbs & 15lbs." Part of Mr. Kim's secret to halibut success is knowing where to get bait. He sent me a text within a couple of hours of his launch to show me his three buckets of live anchovies. By his count it took 40 anchovies to get those five fish and he didn't try to finish their limits after the livey's ran out. I'm told that once you've run through that many baits the only thing to do is go home, clean fish and have a shot of the Glenlivet.

     This is "Kyle and Jimmy from American Canyon with a 21 lb salmon and an 8 lb vermilion" That vermilion looks like it might have eaten a smaller, keeper salmon. Nice mix of critters.
    Another good mix, but a bit larger :"Jim Dellasanta of Napa 30 lbs" Gage sent me this text and I think he means the salmon weighed 30 pounds, not Jim or the ling.

    I think something is wrong with this picture. Usually when Tim Nelson sends me a picture it's of Mike Mack with salmon. This is the wrong guy with the wrong kind of fish. "Gage stopped by our camp with with his monster out of the surf thought I would send you a picture" Location and lure were Dillon Beach and an SP Minnow.


1 comment:

Onemore said...

WOW awesome fishing guys!