Thursday, August 6, 2020

   So, since last weekend we've been watching the pelicans and cormorants chasing anchovies in the surf and just beyond. A few party boats have been dropping in to fish the mouth of Tomales Bay. There was some debate whether the boats were here because the fishing was good or because the water sucked less there (The weather has been, well, let's call it suboptimal). So this morning I headed out with my wife's uncle to see if there were any salmon there. I couldn't even find any baitfish. The brown, 59º water is now clear, 52º water. Don't worry, the seaweed and jellyfish are still there. The weather wasn't too bad this morning, though, so I headed out to the Trees in 80 feet of water. The water was a balmy 48.7º at one point, but we boated two 17 pound salmon out of three bites in 45 minutes before the jellyfish, which had been appalling, got worse and it became completely unfishable. You could see other salmon on the meter but there was no way to keep the gear clean. When we caught all of our bites were within two minutes of resetting a line. When we left there was no time that the gear wasn't slimed. When your line is coming up as you're letting it down it is time to go. So we went halibut fishing. The hole by the yellow weather buoy is full of anchovies. We filled our bait tank quickly and then ran farther back towards Marshall. We eventually caught three before the South wind sent us home. I didn't hear any other reports but I think I saw Swampy cleaning a halibut.


Sea Hunter said...

Would mooching be better than trolling with all the jellies?

Willy said...

Generally yes

Richard said...

Hey Willy
Where is the yellow Bouy? I heard the bell bouy is missing is that true?

Capn Al said...

FYI ! The whistle and the Fort Ross Buoys are also missing. What's up with that? 👀

Thumbs said...

Tuna! Tuna! Tuna!

Onemore said...

Tuna tuna
The word is Tuesday tuna! The more boats the amrryier