Monday, August 12, 2024


   Here's a picture from Saturday. Cecilia sent me the photo and this note: "8 lb inside the point from the beach. Blong caught this one." I don't know what the fish bit, but I know a happy fisherman when I see one, and anybody that catches a halibut from shore here should be super happy. 

     Another photo from Saturday. Robert Rath didn't mention a location but it looks like someplace ocean-facing and not inside of Tomales Bay. McClure's, the bar, or Dillon Beach proper seem like possibilities as all three of these spots have had fish. Ten Mile, not so much, although the time should be getting about right for some fish to finally start showing up there. These fish bit jigs, I believe tubular in nature, and a salmon and thresher shark were also caught and released. The catching has been kind of slow, but it looks like there's hope.
    More reason for hope was given by Mike Mack and Spinner. They limited out on Saturday and Sunday with the largest fish, Spinner's, weighing 30 pounds. They fished by Hog Island, but so did a lot of other people and most of those other people were doing pretty good to just miss a bite, much less catch a fish. Their fish came on jigs and live jacksmelt. Your experience may vary.

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