Sunday, June 30, 2024

    Not much to post today. The Northwest wind started early and increased as the day progressed. A very few caught halibut and the rest bailed early. Today was the last day of Dungeness season until the first Saturday in November.  That means traps open tomorrow for reds. Traps will remain open until Dungeness opens, when traps will close again. The Center for Biological Diversity sued for Dungeness, not reds, so red crab are wide open and Dungeness are restricted. Red crab traps only catch insignificant whales, not the important ones, apparently.  Like many attorneys general...  So only Dungeness traps catch whales, I guess. Be careful what you argue, as, since Dungeness traps have been accepted as a whale killer, any argument against will be construed as reasons to make other kinds of fishing illegal. LET IT GO. It ain't right, but arguing will make it worse. Don't give the jackasses in charge of regulation any ideas. They aren't fishermen and they don't know. STOP EDJUCATING THEM. They can't make illegal what they don't know exists...

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