Monday, June 17, 2024

     Doug got a few pictures and a little story from these folks after pulling their boat out of the water this afternoon. They got a late start due to mechanical issues but made up for it with quick limits on live jacksmelt (I think?) at Hog Island, between the island and the yellow buoy. Well done, folks, and way to not just save the day but dominate it. You might think about savoring it a bit more tomorrow. Or, just kill it. You do you. Speaking of Hog Island halibut...
    Mason Lessard texted me this afternoon: "Got a limit off Pelican Point channel marker.

Anchovies were thick nabbed 3 baits and turned them into 2 fish in 20minutes 3 quick drifts @ slack low" Well done good sir! Mason said that the anchovies were 3" to 4". That's the perfect size for halibut to slurp on down. I don't know what rig Mr. Lessard was using, but I like pretty tiny hooks (Size 4 singles or size 8 trebles) hooked through the tip of the 'chovy's nose. No feeding the bait necessary. If halibut ordered pizza, be assured, they would order it with anchovies, no matter how you felt about it. They would eat it all. Anchovies like biting sabikis and no chum is needed, just find a school with your fishfinder and drop on them. Not sure where to look? Watch the pelicans. They know. 


1 comment:

Eddie said...

These are my new friends! Happy 30th anniversary to you both today!
