Saturday, May 18, 2024


    These guys, don't know their names, but these guys caught a 43 pound thresher shark while trolling for halibut back in Marshall today. Nice work, gents, and I hope yours tastes as good as the couple that we've kept. We normally release them because they're just so much fun, but eating them is almost as good. That is, is you like firm, white, mild fish. It's like sea pork. Actually, next one we get better watch out. Piggies.... But, more importantly, threshers are pretty indicative of schools of baitfish. They aren't eating seals and surfers like great whites. Baitfish is their prey, which is why we catch them. This one bit (or tail smacked, I didn't hear which) an anchovy. Schools of bait at Marshall seems likely to mean other gamefish that eat baitfish to be at Marshall. Halibut? White sea bass? Stripers? Maybe. Baited hooks need to be dragged through the water column there to determine how safe the baitfish are. Let's get those predators!

  I received this report a few days ago and then lost it in the confusion that is my life. Sorry, Coastodian. His report from Tuesday: "Hard time finding bait. Eventually got two smelt.    No other bites" Typical for this year halibut fishing by Inverness. It is kind of a blurry binary, mostly yes or no, but not confined to full success or zero. Just mostly. Good work, Mr. Coastodian. You're on the right side of the blurry binary (the wrong side being the full binary zero). 


Tomales Outlaw said...

We are there in just over a week ready and waiting for the bite to turn on and we will be seeking secret striper intel!!! We try to avoid the threshers........

Willy Vogler said...

So far no stripers for Gage or myself. But we are ever hopeful and watching the calendar tick down to when they should be biting....