Monday, May 27, 2024


   Scott Simpson sent over a report from Sunday. Like any good sequel it had a higher body count than the original: "Better results on Sunday.  We stayed up half the night mentally sharpening the gaff and it cooperated today. The results were exponentially better. Quality fish from 23 to 30 dragging Popsicles, and come to find out we were holding the gaff on the wrong end!  :) Beautiful day on the bay!" Nice work, Scott and crew. It could be mental work paying off, or it could be a different crew? Whatever it is, keep doing it. It's working. 
   The wind didn't come up too hard this evening so I made the run to Marshall after work and trolled to Inverness. My only bite was as I turned around just below the first sailboat. It let me get home before sundown. It was a 27 incher but made an initial run that made me think that I might have found one of those white sea bass. Oh well. Maybe next time.
    Speaking of maybe next time, a lot of people were trying for fish in the surf over the weekend but I didn't hear of anything nor see any fish being packed around. The ospreys were eating perch, as usual, but they can fish where we can't. Theoretically at least, the beach should recover from last winter's abuse and hold some structure and fish. The wind has blown enough for things to form up, but it seems that they haven't, yet. I am eternally hopeful. The only fish being caught from shore over the weekend (that I know of) was jacksmelt, but it seems that the smelt are in and biting. Folks are using bobbers over a sabiki to catch them, and the fact that we emptied our bobber pegs in the tackle shop three times over the weekend would indicate that either we need longer pegs or the fish were biting. Or both. 
   Crabbing has been the usual. It depends on who you ask. Most people had the sad face but again, a few in the know had some decent crab. Remember, if it ain't happening for you pretty quick where you're crabbing, move. Crab are hard to catch in the places where they are not there, similar to fish. Even worse, as they move around slower. You gotta drop that ring in their lap or you ain't catching. But they do move around, so you need to, too.

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