Saturday, June 24, 2023


      Sucka-Fish (or Chrispfish on YouTube) sent in a report from today: "Hi Willy,

Went to the bar today, not the one with liquor, the one with halibut.  I took your advice and drifted from 35 to 10ft.  On the second drift right when the tide was turning at the bottom, I gave my 1oz Redrum a big cast, on the 2nd or 3rd bounce off the bottom I thought I snagged up, a few seconds later I felt some nice head shakes.  It ended up being my PERSONAL BEST 37" 25lb halibut. We drifted live shiners, smelt & frozen squid for not even a bite.  I guess the green rubber darting around is more interesting.  Tried a little inside the bay as well for nothing.  Crabbing was good close to the fishing spot at 55-70ft.  On a total of 10 hoop net pulls we managed 17 keeper male dungeness.  Every pot was basically the same. 2 keepers with 15 little ones. So pack your bait well if you're going to try during the last week, the little ones are hungry.

Chris" There's not a lot of halibut here, yet, but you found a damn good one, Chris. And on a lure with the rod in your hand is the best. I, too, caught a fish on the Redrum. Yesterday I landed a 16 pound striper on a 1.5 ounce grape (purple) Redrum tube. Gage and I were trying to catch one of those halibut all day but had to settle for three stripers hooked in three casts (after 500? 1000?  fruitless casts), only one of which made it to the boat. We trolled Dillon Beach for three hours for a total catch of three anchovies which we then used on a couple of drifts past Marker 5 for just as many fish (0).  Ah, but I digress. My jealousy made my mind wander. Nice fish, Chris. 
    This gentleman walked past me about 5:30 this afternoon. He'd just landed this striper at Sand Point on a 2 ounce spoon on 12 pound fluorocarbon line. He seemed pretty happy. Four hours of casting, then, boom. Victory. I like it when determination pays off.


JRS said...

Nice work boys!!

GarettG707 said...

Hey Willy I’m the guy in the red sweatshirt in the second picture. Been reading the report for years, cool to finally be in one. Crossed surf striper off the bucket list with that one. Made the two four hour days chasing it worth it.

Willy said...

It only takes the one to make it all good. Nice work!