Thursday, June 1, 2023

 No fishing report, but people have questions about the halibut limit. Rumor was (apparently within CDFW and it spread that June 1st was the active date for the emergency reduction in the number of halibut you can take. Well, we are governed by a bureaucracy and bureaucracies work slow and sloppy most of the time. That's a good thing when they are working to reduce your rights, IMHO, but in this case they're trying to save a few halibut for next year. It's probably not a bad thing. It also hasn't hit yet. The Office of Administrative Law hasn't ruled on the emergency regs, yet, but when they do it will go into effect. Immediately? The next day? Five working days after? I don't know, but I'm leaning hard towards the next day. I think a closure may require five days to go into effect, but a reduction in the limit may be almost instantly in effect. Before you go fishing, check here: or here:   I heard that at one point today the CDFW website said the limit for halibut was now two. They switched it back, but I'd believe the FGC first. Well, check both. Weeeeellllll, maybe stop at two fish. You may not be legally required to stop short, but it may be that you won't have to take a day off work to fight a ticket. Even if you win, you lose. 

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