Tuesday, April 28, 2020

    Here's another picture from yesteryear :"Hey Willy,
Me and my son Paolo have had many a great adventures out in the bay. You’ll never know what’s going to be pulling on your line until you bring them to the boat. Hopefully big bother will set us all free and we can get back to doing what we do best, soaking up the splendor of Tomales Bay! My freezer is getting low on Halibut.
Andrew Forchini"
    I think a lot of freezers are getting pretty bare. The Bay Area counties have issued a press release saying the Shelter In Place will remain through May, but the"new order will include limited easing of specific restrictions for a small number of lower-risk activities." While it seems like access to the water for fishing in your boat should qualify as a "lower-risk activity" it remains to be seen in the final order, due out later this week. Sonoma County is not part of the group of counties and will make their own decision (which will probably look a lot like everybody else's).  A vocal portion of coastal residents really don't want all the icky, virusy people from inland coming for a visit, even if everyone is performing their social distancing properly. The Coastal Commission has agreed and allowed your coastal access rights to be temporarily waived. So while I am hopeful that Lawson's Landing and other access points will be allowed to open in some limited fashion by this new order, if it doesn't happen I won't be showing my surprised face (it'll be hidden by a mask, anyways).
     I tried a morning halibut trip on Sunday. It was windy and foggy, but as a lot of you can sympathize, I just needed to get out. I caught my jacksmelt in about 15 minutes. I should have stuck with the smelt fishing. No bites in two around the turn of the low tide in 61º water. As the tide turned to move the same way as the wind I tried trolling for an hour between the red barn and Cypress Grove for a big batch of seaweed but no fish. As the wind freshened and my desire to be there waned I stacked the gear and went clamming. At least I went home with something (a sore back).


JRS said...

Keep at the stories, I’m living vicariously.

BIG"D" said...

I have a short story for ya. Once upon a time the end.

Sucka-Fish said...

My two sense says make it so we can pay parking/launch without touching the machines and close the boat rinse off areas. Nothing to touch besides the cleat on the dock and you dont even need to touch it.

On A String said...

F&G sent out a press release saying that salmon season is on for the 1st. You can already see the complaints of crowded launches like there always is for the opener.. But now, there's even less boat launches so people will crowd even more. A preemptive opening of more launches would spread people out, but that would be obvious. Right?

Capn Al said...

On A String said...
F&G sent out a press release saying that salmon season is on for the 1st. You can already see the complaints of crowded launches like there always is for the opener.. But now, there's even less boat launches so people will crowd even more. A preemptive opening of more launches would spread people out, but that would be obvious. Right?

Until that gal who is the health director for Sonoma County decides to open the parks with boat launches, We are out of luck. I called and spoke with Bert Whitaker, Directer of Sonoma Parks, I explained that their is no sensible reason for not opening up the Westside or Doran boat launch ramps. They don't have to open up the camping areas if they fear people will crowd together. Close the camping area and Bodega Head parking lot, but let us boater/fishermen go fishing. Salmon opens May first and rock fish is currently open. Many of us pay for yearly park and boat passes. More fishermen should let their voices heard to the County and Health Dept. of Sonoma County. Just saying.


We purchase a fishing license that comes with a signature. The signature meaning to obey the laws and guidelines pertaining to that fishing license and the rights it gives you.
If you break the guidelines and regulations then there are consequences that are enforced.
Seems to me you could enforce any social distancing guidelines the same and they could be implemented the same into safe fishing practices...
But yet “many people” seem to assume that we fishermen and woman all of a sudden will not adhere to any additional social distancing guidelines by opening up the parks/beaches and ramps for Fishing and recreational use.
Unfortunately this is getting to the point of being more political then about the virus and saving lives.
As these rights get taken from us and we sit and allow it to happen, those rights will never be reimplemented back the same as before.
This goes for much more then just fishing rights.
I hate to say it, but this Great Country as we new it is on its way down the shit hole. I will stand strong and support my rights and freedoms that unfortunately many men and women have fought and died for. I will do my best to not allow our rights to be taken away.
But you all may possibly not see me fishing this season because they may throw me in jail for doing so.
Especially now that there is plenty of room in our jails...
God Bless America!!!

Willy said...

Let those in power know. They have a pretty good idea that bottling people up can't last forever. Do as Cap'n Al. Can't hurt. Sensible folks will listen. Pressure is building, not just for fishing but for so many things. Give them a pressure relief valve.

BIG"D" said...

You know them???

BIG"D" said...


BIG"D" said...

Big willy


I like Will’s idea and Cap’n Al... please use common sense while doing so...Since everyone has that common sense.?!. 🥺
but on a more serious note.
Anyone know if Abfish is okay?
Haven’t heard a peep in quite sometime!!!🧐

Capn Al said...

Space Invader, very well written and posted. One thing to remember is that Bert is Director of Sonoma County Parks and has no jurisdiction in Marin County. Lawson's and Nick's cove launch are in Marin jurisdiction. The dictator health officer, Sundri Mase is calling the shots for Sonoma County. Let's start phone calling Sonoma County and Marin County parks departments voice our respectful resentments.

This is a copy of my email to Bert Whitaker:Per our conversation on Wednesday , 4/29/2020, please let me know what information I can convey to club members of Coastside Fishing Club and Striper Owner's Club. regarding the possibility of having the camp grounds of both Doran and Westside parks and Bodega Head parking lot be closed to prevent over crowding ; however, to open up the launch ramps of both Doran and Westside parks. The salmon season is due to open May 1st and rock fishing is currently open, this closure restricts fishermen from going out to fish. Many have bought a yearly park pass for the main use to launch their fishing boats, and not necessarily to camp or use the camping area. Keeping the county beaches closed does not interfere with boating fishermen . Boating fishermen do not congregate together to launch their boats, they launch and park their tow vehicles and get out to fish on the ocean. They don't get together out in the ocean to party together. Let's use some commonsense on these restrictions. There is far more chance for people to congregate at a local lake than launching to go out fishing. As long as fishermen keep a required distance between other boaters and wear masks when required, there is no reason to discriminate against boating fishermen. Please give logical consideration to the problem.

Respectfully submitted,
Al Barr
Striper Owner's Club and Coastside Fishing Club Member
(707) 921-9696

Capn Al said...

To all you Mateys,
Here is a copy of an email response to my email to Bert Whitaker;

Al- thank you for the outreach and conversation yesterday.

We will be discussing this with Health Officer in the coming week as we continue to look at ways to allow low risk outdoor recreational activities across the County. We have also heard the Governor may implement some change statewide regarding parks and beaches before this weekend.


Please keep me posted if you come across any info from Cal Boating or Cal Fish & Wildlife that helps provide safety or other guidance for Ocean Recreational Fishing to help make sure I stay up to date.


Capn Al said...

Unfortunatly I don't expect anything positive from the Governor. He probably does not give a tinker's damn about fishing, I speculate?

Willy said...

Capn Al, you're probably right about what our governor caring little for fishing. But, the whole proposed statewide beach closure got dropped in a hurry when significant public opposition was duly noted. We all know he has eyes on the presidency. He shies away from controversy when possible. If keeping ramps closed becomes controversial.... Just saying. We all need to play our part as responsible fishermen. Social distance, masks, etc. It ain't going away in the next year. Or maybe two. We gotta play nice so that we can go play. I don't want to fish alone. If nobody else is out there, how will I know where to catch fish?

BIG"D" said...

You and a bunch of others have had it coming for some time now. ReAP it.

BIG"D" said...

That bubble youve lived in your whole life cant hold air any more. Bust out or fix it.

BIG"D" said...

The choice is yours. Do you have the will?

BIG"D" said...


BIG"D" said...


BIG"D" said...


Tailout said...

ABfish is "Unknown"

Tracy said...

Unknown, is it just me or is your comments snide and disrespectful to the other people on this blog? I sure like it when we all get along and are respectful to our fellow fisherman. I can only speak for myself, but I come here to become a better fisherman. To learn from others. And take my mind away from the world for a few minutes. I was taught if you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything at all. Just saying

Sucka-Fish said...

given your choice would you rather have a live smelt or anchovie drifting for halibut in tomales bay?

Capn Al said...

Tracy, Very well said. I agree with ya Matey. There seems to be a lot of negativism going around recently . One big negative person is the health officer of Sonoma County, and she does not even live in the County, what about those apples?

Harvest Time said...

This is not fate, karma, or juju, it is law.

Tracy said...

Thank you Capn Al, I agree with others have said about the fishing and ramp closures. Let’s contact our county representatives and voice our respectful opinions. After some research I have found the following emails for both Sonoma and Marin County’s. I think if we are all respectful they will listen and the more voices we have the louder we are heard. Let’s Go Fishing Again!

Dr. Matt Willis
Public Health Officer for Marin County


Dr. Sundari R. Mase, MD MPH
Health Officer of the County of Sonoma


Tracy said...

I should also point out, that Dr. Willis contracted COVID-19 and survived. I think that is worth mentioning.

Here is the link to email governor Gavin Newsom


Mailing address:
Governor Gavin Newsom
1303 10th Street, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160

Capn Al said...

Thanks for the fine post, especially when you mention to be respectful. You get more bees with honey.


First choice Live Anchovies!!!
Smelt can be a productive runner up thou.
Shiner perch as well...

BIG"D" said...

The Tracer.

BIG"D" said...

What's next?

BIG"D" said...

Capn crunch.

BIG"D" said...

Crunch berries.

BIG"D" said...

Try fixing the dock with honey. I heard it's a cure all.

BIG"D" said...


Small words please said...

This group may be able to help you Unknown: https://www.aa.org/

Tailout said...

So much for the 'Opener" weather was ok yesterday, not so nice for a few days. Anybody get out? Guys were launching at the dirt beach south of Miller park and heading out. Haven't talked to anyone that has a slip in Bodega. A commercial buddy of mine went south for the opener, got good numbers and grade. So what's to be said about a person who either doesn't or can't write in complete sentences, they must be "Unknow"

Tomales Outlaw said...

I had friends limit out on nice salmon out of Monterey. They were done early. We fished yesterday, live jacksmelt (and dead) had one hard takedown near Elk Fence Beach but couldn't stick it. Went home with a dozen red crabs and a bucket full of clams. Water down there was 63-64 degrees.

BIG"D" said...

Wow! I'm impressed. You have quite a few followers. These must be the ones you share your negative opinions with about real fisherman. They sound just like you and I. I'm pretty sure there's no turning back or is there? Now get your digs in or stop with the negativity that will be the demise of the Landing.

Local legend said...

^^^^^^^ TROLL

BIG"D" said...

That's one

Duckin44 said...

Bored Troll.

BIG"D" said...


Capn Al said...

Al – wanted to give you the good news that Westside boat launch will be available tomorrow for boat launch by sunrise.

Here is information you can share with other boaters and I appreciate you spreading the word and encouraging everyone to be patient and respectful when it gets busy out there launching in the mornings. Good luck on the water and hope the salmon are biting!

The signed health order is attached and more info below on questions we expect about the change.


Is fishing allowed under the parks closure order?

Coastal fishing

A change to the April 19 parks closure order allows park managers to open Bodega Bay boat launches for recreational fishing beginning May 8. The intent is to allow residents to gather fish as a food source.

· The Westside Regional Park boat launch and Spud Point and Mason's Marinas are open. The launches at Doran Regional Park and the Sport Fishing Center are closed.

· Boat occupants are limited to household members and those sheltering in place together. Camping and group gatherings are not allowed.

· Fish cleaning stations are closed.

· Portable restrooms and handwashing stations are available. (Permanent restrooms are closed.)

· The Westside boat cleaning station is open.

Fishing at other parks

The parks closure order also allows fishing from shore at inland parks where permitted. Inland boat launches are not open. Inland parks must be reached by walking or biking from your home unless you arrange for disabled parking access with your parks department. Fishers must wear facial coverings when they are within 6 feet of other park users.

Why is recreational fishing allowed while the coastal parks are closed to other users?

The intent is to let Sonoma County residents use a specific park facility to fish for food. Sonoma County’s health officer has determined the use of a boat launch poses a lower risk for crowding and community virus transmission than a broader reopening of coastal parks. Boat occupants must be members of the same household or those sheltering in place together. Fishers are not allowed to use coastal parks for any other recreational use.