Wednesday, August 2, 2023

   Monday, most of the boats came in with two halibut. It was a Monday, so it wasn't a whole bunch of boats, but it was nice to see ten fish in five boats. Some of those fish bit live jacksmelt and some ate Bigfoot tube jigs. This was enough to get Tim Woerner out early yesterday, and it only took him 15 minutes to limit on halibut using the Bigfoots. And then the good news ends. I heard of one other halibut yesterday. Today the only catching I heard of was three from Marshall on Double Trouble. There's been some rockfish brought in recently when the weather allows for a trip outside the bay, but the weather has mostly left everyone scrabbling for the few halibut in the bay. I heard of only one striper caught in the last few days (on a Redrum) but I let that striper go, so it's still out there. The red crabbers are catching enough for dinner but aren't really loading up at the moment. 

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