Tuesday, March 7, 2023

    Wow. Everybody is really down from the (lack of a) salmon season news. People are depressed. I'm trying to find reasons to be positive. I have a couple, but if you have one post it in the comments or send it to lawsonslanding@gmail.com. Otherwise, here's what I have so far:

Barbed hooks all the way around.

Trebles? Check.

Fishing with all your rods? Good to go if no rockfish.

More time to concentrate on figuring out Pacific halibut here. Less distractions!

Deep water rockfish! (I know, who asked for that? I'll take what I can get, though)

No fighting with the downriggers.

  Just remember to always look at the bright side of life.

  Here's a few ideas:

Time to try things you were too busy targeting salmon or rockfish to try, like sand sole, sand dabs, stripers. Heck, it’s all fishing.


There won’t be any long lines at the boat ramp.
-Saltie dawg


Tim said...

Well, I don’t know about you guys but I’m going to spend a LOT more quality time with my wife!

Mike Malone said...

Another reason to be cheerful - good deals on boats, they make great tomato planters.

Mike Malone

Eddie said...

No fomo and narrowed choices is good for me.

Swampy said...

On the bright side I did find a great deal on boat bumpers, gonna need them this year…..

Will still be the same amount of cookies so there is always that.

Shut up and fish! said...

More gas $$ saved for tuna season!

Harvest Time said...

I know it's small consolation, but with the government's track record of "following the science" if they say there are no salmon we can be pretty sure the ocean is lousy with them.

Tomales Outlaw said...

More seawall sites available July-Sept? As much as fresh water and I don't get along, I might have to turn inland.........on second thought that's a bad idea.


Bigkevfish said...
