Monday, March 6, 2023

    The salmon information meeting told us that last year's numbers of returns sucked and the indicators for this year were bad. There was a theoretical possibility of a short season with smaller limits. The PFMC comes up with the regulations after. They come up with three plans to work with, ranging from conservative to very easygoing. Based upon the information this year, the three plans are:

Option 1: No salmon season.

Option 2: No salmon season.

Option 3: No salmon season.

  I can't tell which option is the easygoing one, but I sure hope they pick that one. I haven't been following along but I hear that these discussions over which option to choose can get really animated. I bet that this year will no different. So many choices! Such a range of possibilities! How exciting!

Bad year to be a halibut. 


Small words please said...

I don't suppose we should have hope for a season during 2023 because of the 2024 dates listed?

Willy said...

2021 was a drought too, so chances are bad. But yes, there's a chance.