Saturday, November 19, 2022

    I thought that today would be bluefin day. Octopus is good, though. One boat pulled four hoops off of McClure's for, as I recall, two Dungeness, nothing, an octopus, and 30 coonstripe shrimp. That's a good mix. We all want to limit, but a good mix of critters is a strong second best. 

    The crab report wasn't bad, with most crabbers getting a few whether in the bay or out, but aside from the guys that went up to Salmon Creek or the Russian River, mostly there weren't limits. Northerners did well, on average. Southerners? They mostly said that they wished that they had gone north. 

    Rockfish? They were biting. North, south, everybody who tried, caught. Maybe not as much as they wanted, but catching is always good. 

   Okay. Bluefin? They're out there. A lot of them. Holy crap, a lot of them. Will they bite? Mostly no, but a few guys killed it. Not from here. Our best boat got busted off and our other boat was just jealous. But some guys caught, and some caught more than one. Everybody out there saw many, many jumpers. Jumpers generally don't bite, and most bluefin guys can attest to this. As I heard it, and as it seems to work, sometimes, find the fish, then leave. Most bites are not in the fish but are in the blank area adjacent to the fish. I loaned out my only Nomad Madmac but it was cut off by some guy that didn't realize that the lures can be over a quarter mile behind a boat fishing for bluefin. Bluefin are boat shy. Lures far, far behind the boat can work. If you didn't know, you're kind of a jackass, as the rules exist out there and you didn't do the minimal research required. If you did know, you're double jackass. And either way, you owe me a $50 Sardine 200mm Madmac. And if you heard the filthy, foul-language tirade on the radio, good. You deserved it. This is how we learn. For the record, lures can be over a quarter mile behind the trolling boat (at up to 15 knots).  Stay away. The Pacific ocean is pretty large. Only about half the planet. You should find room there to not CUT OFF MY LURE.


Harvest Time said...

Good screed, I wasn't even out there and feel like I owe you a new madmac!

Stephanie said...

Is there a place to get rockfish inside Tomales Bay that’s not by the head of the bay? We aren’t brave enough to go out of the bay just yet.
Thank you! Happy Fishing and Crabbing!

Willy said...

There's no good rockfishing inside the bay. Occasionally someone will catch one, usually a short Ling cod, but you can spend all day and not catch one. All week even. Not enough rocky bottom.