Monday, March 8, 2021

      The American Challenger situation remains about the same. The boat is on the rocks between the esteros, not South of de San Antonio as reported. I trusted the official report, not realizing that I can see the wreck from my house. I can even see what appears to be the green tow line tucked up on deck on the starboard side. I would have thought a tow line that had accidentally parted would be drifting in the water, but I guess when it snapped the elastic nature of the fibers caused them to contract into a pile. The vessel appears to be full of water as it doesn't wiggle a bit when 12'+ seas roll over the deck. Probably diesel is slowly discharging from the fuel vent as water replaces it in the submerged tank, but nobody officially knows how much fuel is on board. Somebody thinks there must be a lot, though, as 15,000 feet (that's about 3 miles) of oil booms are being deployed around the oyster beds, from Tom's Point to near Miller Park. Miller is closed to the public as the oil response people are staging and launching there. There's an effort today to attempt to pump whatever fuel there is into another tank for disposal, but with swells hitting 18' at the Point Reyes buoy this morning recovery in the surf may be......difficult.


Harvest Time said...

Where is Red Adair when we need him?

Bottom Scratcher said...

Willy - do you known why the Coast Guard was able to save the tugboat but not the drifting trawler? Seems odd.

Willy said...

The Coast Guard didn't play favorites. Another tug came and towed the Hunter. The Coast Guard were monitoring the situation.

Tim said...

Hmm. The coast guard towed me when I broke down. Maybe because I’m so charming!

Unknown said...

Is miller still closed to the public? I'm planning on launching there this Sat.

Willy said...

As of now, yes. Saturday? Probably still closed. But my wife will happily tell you that I'm wrong more often than not.

BIG"D" said...

Something like that big guy.

BIG"D" said...

Your just fulfilling your destiny.

BIG"D" said...

By the way, was that your 🦀 pot that tug boat got it's prop tangled in?

BIG"D" said...


BIG"D" said...

🐔 eggs are good too.