Wednesday, February 1, 2023

   Not a fishing report, but California Recovery Divers came out today and found and retrieved the body of the lost kayaker. I'm sorry that he's passed away, but glad that these guys found him for the family. The only thing worse than a death is a lack of closure due to a death. These guys like to accomplish difficult tasks, and finding a body lost in a body of water is surely difficult. They had the gear to locate the body in about 15 minutes, but it took until almost 4:00pm until the current slowed enough for them to dive and recover the body. Very nice work, guys, and good on you. Pretty much nobody else wanted to find what you did, and we're appreciative. I hope I helped instead of just lingered around like an annoying fanboy.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Very sad to hear about the kayaker. How did the dive team locate the body? floating or submerged? wonderful that they were able to provide closure.