Friday, October 7, 2022

   Sorry, I was away for a week in Cabo San Lucas watching my wife catch marlin. Two days fishing with Picante Sportfishing resulted in Nicki catching and releasing three marlin up to 180 pounds as estimated by the generous and skilled crew. Mike and Mara Nursement and I each caught and released one marlin (Mara's was the largest). We all left with 35 pounds of dorado fillets frozen in the ice chest. It was so hot that there almost wasn't enough beer to cool me (the Dillon Beach, lives in the cold guy) off, but only almost. The Fresco stores are well stocked, thank you. Bohemia FTW. And Cazadores. And schooling striped marlin are a gift from a very benevolent God. Holy crap. Talk about the opposite of boat shy. 

    Here's a picture of the the definition of boat shy. These bluefin were caught near the Farallones on Sunday. Nomad MadMacs 500 yards behind the boat sounds like the definition of boat shy, but it works, it seems. There have been a few reported as caught between Monterey and Fort Bragg over the last weekend, mostly on Madmacs. Live macks will definitely work, as reality beats simulation every time. This is Ryan Giammona of North Bay Charters with two local hogs. Separately, in my time out of town I missed no salmon from the sound of it. Halibut I missed but not a giant bite. Trip Plumb had s thirty pounder at McClures over the weekend and a number of others were caught in the bay, but a red hot bite didn't happen.


Harvest Time said...

Nice fishes!

rokefin said...

Willy apologies are never need by you and your dedicated crew.

Happy for all of you to see another part of the salt water.
Great fishing!!

Good for Trip - that is a huge Cali Hali