Thursday, June 23, 2022


   First off, a little catching up from yesterday: "This halibut was caught in front of Hog Island on live smelt by JB from Marin today" It's not often that someone catches a fish almost as large as they are, but this fellow did it. 
   Cannon Brunkhorst caught this 20 pound salmon today. There were four salmon total on the boat, a few others lost and several silvers returned. Team Brunkhorst/Rath were fishing in 270 feet of water south of Tomales Point. There were some other reports of salmon today, also from deep or deeper. Other places named today were the weather buoy, as well as 70 fathoms (which is pretty much the same place). Not catching where you are? Go deeper. Still no catching? Deeper. Repeat until you hear clicker.

   I was asked not to post these photos, but enough people have seen fishermen carrying stripers around the campground to know that there's a few being caught locally. Some in the surf, some from boats, and pretty much none of then too small. The Cabo boat in the photo landed nine today between 2:45 and 4:30. Even I caught a couple. The stripers aren't WFO, as there were more zeroes than ones for most fishermen today, but there's at least one roving school of large stripers that were occasionally playing ball. NOTE TO FISHERMEN: If you see some boats gathered around with guys casting to a certain spot, please don't drive over the spot. That kills the bite and not only doesn't catch you any fish, it makes the guys that were fishing there want to cause you great bodily harm. We're already shorthanded and can't afford to lose Gage to a felony conviction for something a jury of his peers (fishermen that know) would exonerate him for. Please help keep him out of jail. Don't do it. 


oldtimer said...

Wow! That's some super nice stripers. Kastmasters?

Willy said...

Kastmasters and Hopkins

Tomales Outlaw said...

Just so you know that's WFO for us regular folks, even if it's limited to a small area.


Willy said...

It seemed like it to me, too, when we were catching. Tonight, no bites for us, but one boat had at least seven today. That puts the average around 0 to 1 per boat.

rokefin said...

All classic photo's!!