Tuesday, March 31, 2020

    Received this email from Fishlipps today:"Hey Willie,

Like everyone else, I’m sitting here bored out of my mind and wishing I could get out on the ocean. I would quarantine myself there for a few weeks if I could!

I thought maybe a couple of pics from days gone by might help pass the time and provide some incentive to hang in there…

  1. The tuna pic is my son and his wife a couple of summers ago about 60 miles out of San Diego. They caught it kite fishing. It weighed close to 220 lbs., gutted! Had to fight off a sea lion once they got it close to the boat. You can see the bite marks around the head.
  2. Salmon and Halibut pics are just a few favorites from around home.
I imagine that most people are in the same situation. If anyone wants to brag or commiserate or whatever, send me your photos. lawsonslanding@gmail.com Please, no pictures of genitalia. Let's stick to fish or fishing-related photos.
    It would also appear that salmon season may be delayed until May. Rumors are flying and probably aren't wrong. Gage really wanted to catch one for everybody. Well, for him, really.


Capn Al said...

Around Bodega area the salmon fishing starts to get good end of May. I don't get ready until that time. Now, for rock fish, I have done great in April. I'm going through fishing withdrawals.

Sucka-Fish said...

If anyone makes it out tomorrow make sure to tell use some fish stories.

B said...

I honestly don't see how it's legal to shut down fishing when it's in the damn California constitution... http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=CONS&sectionNum=Section%2025.&article=I

Capn Al said...

Our Democratic Governor Gavin Newscum can do what he wants even raise taxes on our fuel costs. Other states are paying less than $2 per gal. We need to change the politics of this once great golden state.

Numbnutz said...

I agree with capn al. We need to band together and take our state back