Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Steve Towne took Jerry Knedel out today for salmon limits to 33 pounds. These two in the picture went 22 and 28. They also released a thresher. The 33 pounder of Jerry's is now the board leader. The fish were trolled up "inside the jellies and south of Tomales Point."

I don't have any information on this picture, or if Herb even caught this fish, but any picture that Herb's not scowling in is a keeper worth sharing.

I believe that this is Dan Cole of Lodi with a 24 pound salmon, but if I'm wrong please leave a constructive comment and I'll fix it.

Tom Brodsky and (gasp) Mike Lawson went fishing today and caught a nice mix of critters including this 29 pound salmon, 23 pound halibut, and a thresher shark that was filleted and released. 

After the public shaming I gave to Mike Stahl, guess who got to go fishing again? Ron Stahl caught this 21 pound halibut and Judy Stahl caught this 25 pound salmon. Actually, Judy caught both salmon on the boat and she caught them with her new pink fishing rod. It's not a wide open bite out there, but anyone that's been waiting for the fish to move in close, now's the time. Most of these fish came from between Tomales Point and Elephant Rock but the radio was talking about points north as well. These fish have had shortbellies and squid in their stomachs and those shortbellies sure like to try to hide in the rocks, especially up by the Bodega whistle. 

1 comment:

Tomales Outlaw said...

I knew it. I KNEW IT!!! I could smell the salmon last Saturday. Now I can't get out until Sunday. The wait will be like eating ground glass.
